Tommy Kearins as the wee boyin a scene from The Maggie (1954)
Hubert Gregg and Abe Barkeras Pusey and the engineer in a scene from The Maggie (1954)
A portrait from The Maggie (1954)of one of the character actors from the cast
The wee boy at the helmTommy Kearins in a scene from the Maggie (1954)
A scene from The Maggie (1954)directed by Alexander MacKendrick
The Engineera portrait of Abe Barker for The Maggie (1954)
The Wee Boya portrait of Tommy Kearins for The Maggie (1954)
The Skippera portrait of Alex Mackenzie for The Maggie (1954)
The MateJames Copeland in a portrait for The Maggie (1954)
Paul Douglas and Alex MacKenziein a scene from The Maggie (1954)
The engineer and The American in a scene from The Maggie (1954)Paul Douglas played the businessman