German Soldiers in the French Countrysidein a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
An explosion in a scene from Dunkirk (1958)the film was directed by Leslie Norman
French soldiers engage in combatalong a country road in a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
Corporal Bins fighting the Germans near a French farmin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
French soldiers in a linealong a country road in a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
John Mills as Corporal Tubby Bins assesses the situation in the French countrysidein a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
Corporal Bins unit experiences a casualtyin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
Corporal Bins unit looks for shelter in the French countrysidein a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
Corporal Bins unit takes shelter in a French farmin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
A German armoured vehiclein a scene from Leslie Normans Dunkirk (1958)
Meredith Edwards and John Millsas Private Bellman and Corporal Bins in Dunkirk (1958)
Corporal Bins unit takes stock of the situation in the French countrysidein a scene from Dunkirk (1958)