Sailing on the lakeThe crew of Swallow in a scene from the film Swallows and Amazons
Swallows and AmazonsA moment from Swallows and Amazons
Swallows and AmazonsA moment in the hidden harbour from Swallows and Amazons
A wide shot of Richard Attenboroughin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
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A portrait of Alex MacKenzieas the skipper in The Maggie (1954)
Tommy Kearinsas the wee boy in a scene from The Maggie (1954)
A scene from The Maggiedirected in 1954 by Alexander MacKendrick
Tommy Kearins as the wee boyin a scene from The Maggie (1954)
Hubert Gregg and Abe Barkeras Pusey and the engineer in a scene from The Maggie (1954)
A small boat on the riverin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
A Royal Navy ship and small boatsin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
Bernard Lee as Charles Foremanin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
John Mills and Richard Attenboroughin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
A portrait from The Maggie (1954)of one of the character actors from the cast
The Americana portrait of Paul Douglas for The Maggie (1954)
The wee boy at the helmTommy Kearins in a scene from the Maggie (1954)
A scene from The Maggie (1954)directed by Alexander MacKendrick
Paul Douglas as The Americanin a scene from The Maggie (1954)
Richard Attenborough as John Holdenin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
British soldiers try to board one of the small boatsin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
British soldiers try to board one of the small boats during a German bombardmentin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
The boat of John Holden starts its journey towards Dunkirkin a scene from Leslie Normans war film
The Engineera portrait of Abe Barker for The Maggie (1954)
The Wee Boya portrait of Tommy Kearins for The Maggie (1954)
The Skippera portrait of Alex Mackenzie for The Maggie (1954)
The MateJames Copeland in a portrait for The Maggie (1954)
The skipper and the AmericanAlex Mackenzie Tommy Kearins and Paul Douglas in a scene from The Maggie (1954)
Paul Douglas and Tommy Kearinsin a scene from The Maggie (1954)
Paul Douglas and Alex MacKenziein a scene from The Maggie (1954)
The engineer and The American in a scene from The Maggie (1954)Paul Douglas played the businessman
Small boats on the Thames with The Houses of Parliament in the backgroundin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
British soldiers on boarda ship in a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
Small boatsin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
British soldiers board a Royal Navy shipin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
A Royal navy shipin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)
Richard Attenborough Bernard Lee and Sean Barrettin a scene from Dunkirk (1958)