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Chaos on the tracksA scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt during the finale of the Ealing comedy
Titfield Thunderbolt UK quad artworkdesigned by Edward Bawden (1903-1989)
Hayley Mills as Ellie ThomsenMills was dressed for Endless Night (1972) by John Furniss who was nominated for an Oscar in 1974 for Daisy Miller and for a Bafta in 1971 for The Go-Between
The Titfield Thunderbolt pressbookthe cover for the exhibitors campaign book to promote the release of the Ealing comedy in 1953
Stanley Holloway as Mr Valentinewith a glass in his hand at the window of the buffet car
A group scene from The Titfield Thunderbolttaken on the platform of Mallingford station
The bishop and Vicar struggle with the ThunderboltGodfrey Tearle and George Relph in The Titfield Thunderbolt
Sid James as Hawkinsin Charles Crichtons The Titfield Thunderbolt, in the background is the steam engine The Lion that was used to impersonate the Thunderbolt
Blakeworth enjoys a drink on the ThunderboltNaunton Wayne Stanley Holloway and Gabrielle Brune in The Titfield Thunderbolt
The thunderboltthe engine used for the classic Ealing comedy was in fact named The Lion
Edie Martin and George Relphas Emily and the vicar in The Titfield Thunderbolt
George Relph and John Gregsonsmile in a scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt
Hywel Bennett as Michaelin a portrait taken for the release of Sidney Gilliats Endless Night (1972)
A star and amongst the childrenJohn Gregson with young fans on the set of The Titfield Thunderbolt
John Gregson as Gordonin a smiling portrait taken on location for The Titfield Thunderbolt the first Ealing Comedy in colour
Stanley Holloway as Mr Valentinea smiling portrait of the actor in character for The Titfield Thunderbolt
The thunderbolt crashes through a fence in the countrysidein a scene from the classic Ealing Comedy
Naunton Wayne as Blakeworthenters the rail station
Hugh Griffith and Edie Martinas Dan and Emily in Charles Crichtons Titfield Thunderbolt
Charles Crichton filming The Titfield Thunderboltwith lighting and grips on location in 1952
Douglas Slocombe and Gabrielle Bruneand other crew members outside a makeshift viewing theatre on location for the Titfield Thunderbolt
Naunton Wayne and Hugh Griffith smiling on setduring the filming of The Titfield Thunderbolt
George Relph, John Gregson and Naunton Waynein a moment from Charles Crichtons The Titfield Thunderbolt
A scene from The Titfield Thunderboltthe Titfield residents try to save the day pushing the stricken train
John Gregson (1919-1975) as Gordonin a portrait taken on location during the filming of The Titfield Thundrbolt
John Gregson in The Titfield Thunderboltin a fight scene with the villains of the piece Crump and Pearce
The Thunderbolt thunders through Titfieldin a scene from the classic Ealing Comedy
John Gregson and Jack MacGowranAs Gordon and Crump in The Titfield Thunderbolt
Gabrielle Brune, John Gregson, George Relph and Edie MartinStudiocanal TITFIELD THUNDERBOLT (1953)
George Relph and John Gregsonas The Vicar and Gordon in The Titfield Thunderbolt
A colour lobby card for The Titfield Thunderbolttrain station scene
A scene from The Titfield ThunderboltStanley Holloway and Hugh Criffith smile in a scene from the Charles Crichtons comedy
John Gregson in The Titfield Thunderboltin a scene with Michael Trubshawe as Ruddock
Hugh Griffithwith cap and pipe in a portrait for the Titfield thunderbolt
John Gregson (1919-1975) as Gordonin The Titfield Thunderbolt. The accurate wardrobe to represent the whole community was curated by Anthony Mendleson who went on to become a BAFTA winner and Oscar nominated costume designer
George Relph laughsas the vicar in The Titfield Thunderbolt
Britt Ekland as Gretain a portrait taken for the release of Endless Night (1972) from a novel from Agatha Christie
Herbert C Walton (1880-1955)who played Seth in The Titfield Thunderbolt in the classic Ealing comedy directed by Charles Crichton
Stanley Hollowayas Valentine in Charles Crichtons Titfield Thunderbolt
Jack MacGowranas Crump
Hugh Griffith with pipein a portrait for The Titfield Thunderbolt
A wry smile from George Relphas the vicar in The Titfield Thunderbolt
John Gregsonwith a broad smile in a portrait for The Titfield Thunderbolt
Gabrielle Brune (1912-2005)who played Joan in Charles Crichtons The Titfield Thunderbolt
A smiling Grabrielle Bruneas Joan in the Ealing comedy classic The Titfield Thunderbolt
The Thunderbolt is stolenA scene from the Charles Crichtons Ealing comedy
Pushing the thunderboltThe Titfield residents push their local train in a scene from the classic Ealing Comedy
Blakeworth at the ticket officeNaunton Wayne and Edie Martin in a scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt
Blakeworth is about to be drenchedNaunton Wayne and Gabrielle Brune in a scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt
Sid James in a scene from The Titfield Thunderboltas Hawkins on the tractor
Sid James and Gabrielle Bruneas Hawkins and Joan in the Titfield Thunderbolt
John Rudling John Gregson Godfrey Tearle and George RelphIn a scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt
Godfrey Tearle and George Relphlaugh in a scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt
One of the moments from the finale of The Titfield Thunderboltwith George Relph, Godfrey Tearle and John Gregson
Hugh Griffith as Danoutside his residence in The Titfield Thunderbolt a decomissioned rail coach
George Relphin a frantic scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt
Hugh Griffith as Dan and Stanley Holloway as Mr ValentineIn a scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt
Naunton Wayne and Stanley Hollowayas Blakeworth and Mr Valentine in The Titfield Thunderbolt
Michael Trubshawe as RuddockIn a scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt
Crump and Pearce in front one of the coachesEwan Roberts and Jack MacGowran in a scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt
Jack MacGowran Sid James and Ewan Robertsas Crump Hawkins and Pearce in a pub scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt
Gabrielle Brune as Joanin a scene in the local pub from The Titfield Thunderbolt
A portrait of Sid Jamesas Hawkins in the Ealing classic comedy The Titfield Thunderbolt
John Gregson with Stanley Holloway and George Relphlaugh in a pub scene from The Titfield Thunderbolt
Sid James as Hawkins and Gabrielle Brune as Joanin a pub scene from the Titfield Thunderbolt
Model making at Ealing Studioscreating the models of the steam engines for the Titfield Thunderbolt
Family on the set of The Titfield ThunderboltSid James smiles with his daughter Reina in front of one of the engines used on the film
Hywel Bennett and Hayley Millsas Micheal and Ellie in Sidney Gilliats Endless Night (1972)
Jack MacGowran (1918 - 1973)in character as Vernon Crump in The titfield Thunderbolt
Hugh Griffith (1912-1980)as Dan, the somewhat unreliable train driver in The Titfield Thunderbolt
The bishop and Vicar with the ThunderboltGodfrey Tearle and George Relph in The Titfield Thunderbolt
Planning the music for The Titfield ThunderboltComposer Georges Auric and Ealing musical director Ernest Irving
Recording the music for The Titfield ThunderboltErnest Irving on the sound stage at Ealing Studios
Setting up the theft of the Thunderbolton location on Exhibition Road in London
Behind the scenes of The Titfield Thunderboltsetting up the a temporary viewing theatre on location
Charles Crichton and Godfrey Tearlediscussing a shot on location for The Titfield Thunderbolt
Charles Crichton setting up a shoton location for The Titfield Thunderbolt
Charles Crichton smoking the pipereading the shooting script for The Titfield Thunderbolt with producer Michael Truman
Charles Crichton and T. E B. Clarkeduring a visit on the set of The Titfield Thunderbolt by the scriptwriter
Douglas Slocombe and crewduring a pause from the filming of The Titfield Thunderbolt
Sir Michael Balcon visits the set of The Titfield ThunderboltProducer Michael Truman, Sir Michael Balcon and Charles Crichton in front of the steam engine The Lion
Who me?Sid James and Gabrielle Brune on the set of The Titfield Thunderbolt